Monday, April 6, 2009

Vacancy : electrical & mechanical technician for Africa

It is informed to those who interested to work overseas that there will be writting test and interview on Saturday-Sunday, 18-19 April 2009 for electrical and mechanical technicians.

Min score of writting test must be 65%. No interveiw for the applicant who fails to get the lowest limit.

For electrical technician, the subjects of writting test are : basic knowledge of electrical, alternators, transformers, motor & motor control, engine controls, power, electronics, protection & safety.

The subjects of mechanical technician tests are about 4 stroke cycle, low engine power output, turbo charging, engine smoke, cooling system, fuel dilution & lubrication.

Test and interview, as well as result information, will be done in the same day.

Those whoe interested may submit their CV to :
recruitment@ frhbindonesia. com or rarihidayat@

Thanks and regards,

R. Ari Hidayat
PT. Falah Rima Hudaity Bersaudara
Jl. Pemuda No 10 Kav 79 Jakarta 13220
Tel. +62214703140 Fax. + 622147882280
E-mail : recruitment@ frhbindonesia. com
Website : www.frhbindonesia. com

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